Business Directory & Community Links
We have tried to include as many businesses, clubs, charities and organisations as we can that are based in the Hornsea area, but there are certain to be some that we have missed.
If you would like us to add or amend your business listing, please provide details on our contact form.
Your Business or Group Name And Address goes here
t: 01234 536899 m: 07777 123456 e: w:
A lot more description about your business or group. What you do, when you are open to do it etc etc.
Open 7 days a week 9.00 - 17.00 (Sundays 10.00 - 16:00)
Listing Verified by business owner & updated 14.10.2016
Useful Numbers:
Age Concern - 0800 00 99 66
Alcoholics Anonymous - 01482 830083
Crime Stoppers - 0800 555 111
East Riding Council Customer Services - 0845 1225000
East Yorkshire Motor Services - 01482 222222
Eastgate Medical Centre - 01964 530350
H.A.R.T. Community Transport - 01964 536684
HART - Medi+Bus - 08456 44 59 59
Hornsea Community First Responders - 01964 204381
Hornsea Cottage Hospital - 01964 533146
Hornsea Inshore Rescue - 01964 537340
Hornsea Leisure Centre - 01964 533366
Hornsea Town Council - 01964 532252
NHS Direct - 0845 46 47
Northern Trains - 0871 200 49 51
Police Non Emergency - 101
RSPCA - 03001234 999
Samaritans - 0300 1234 999
Hornsea Library - 01964 532561
Travel Line Public Transport - 0871 002233
Are You a Local Business or Non Profit Group?
If you would like more information on how to have your business or group listed on the site for FREE or to advertise with us, please call us on: 0795 8298365 or 01964 535275
Alternatively "click" the button to be taken to an online contact form...