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1st Hornsea Scout Group
36 Trinity Road, Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU18 1TF
t: 07903 217202
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298 (Hornsea) ATC
Pasture Road, Hornsea HU18 1QB
t: 01964 532083
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Age UK East Riding
16 North Bar Within, Beverley, HU17 8AX
t: 01482 861181
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Art with a Heart
149, Cliff Road Hornsea HU18 1LS
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Densholme Care Farm
Hull Road, Great Hatfield, HU11 4UX
t: 01964 532640
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H.A.R.T. Community Transport
Cliff Road, Hornsea, HU18 1JB
t: 01964 536684
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HEY Smile Foundation: The Vault
C/o Gosschalks, Dock Street, Hull Hu1 3AE
t: 01482 590270 w: thevaulthull.co.uk
Listing updated 30.11.2016
The aim of the Vault is to provide charities and community groups across Hull and East Yorkshire access to resources that will enhance their services. Once registered, groups can borrow items from the Vault for free; which we’re super proud of.

Home Grown Hornsea
17 Mascotte Gardens, Hornsea, HU18
t: 0795 8298365 w: www.homegrownhornsea@yolasite.com
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We aim to promote self reliance and sustainability in our town by initiating local food and other projects. Our main activity centres around the Community Orchard where we have planted over 100 fruit trees, an edible hedgerow, fruit bushes and other edible plants. All are welcome to come and join us by the rail trail (behind Tescos) on the first Sunday of the month at 1.30pm

Hornsea Carers Support Group
21 Esplanade Hornsea East Yorkshire HU18 1NQ
t: 01964 533682
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Hornsea Carers Support Group meets once a month and provides mutual support and companionship to carers living in the Hornsea area. We meet in the day room at Hornsea Cottage Hospital on the last Monday of the month (one week earlier if the last Monday is a bank holiday). Come along any time between 10.00 am and 12 noon.
We are part of East Riding Carers Support Service (0800 9176844 or 01482 396500). Email ERcarers@eastriding.gov.uk.

Hornsea District Lions Club
6 New Road Hornsea East Yorkshire HU18 1PF
t: 01964 536400 w: hornsealions.co.uk
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Part of the largest service organisation in the World. Hornsea District Lions Club has served Hornsea and surrounding villages since 1967. We run a charity shop reputed to be the cheapest and certainly the best on the main shopping street within the town, where the public can enjoy a chat whilst rummaging through goods. The money raised is then ploughed back to local groups, schools, churches and charitable needs. We occasionally support Lions International disaster appeals too. Come and pay us a visit. Donate your unwanted, books, DVD’s, clothing and bric-a-brac at the shop, and then buy that treasured item you wanted from our stock for only a few pence. We Serve……

Hornsea & District Chamber of Trade
Common Farm, Seaton East Riding of Yorkshire HU11 5SL
t: 01964 533148
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Hornsea & District U3A
23 The Birches, Hornsea, HU18 1TX
t: 01964 535425 w: www.hornseau3a.org
Listing claimed by owner. Last amended 15/09/2016

Hornsea Alcoholics Anonymous
Kingfisher Lodge, rear of Hornsea Cottage Hospital, Eastgate, Hornsea, HU18 1LP
t: 01482 830083 w: http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/
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"Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."

Hornsea Amateur Radio Club
The Old Bakery, Mereside, Hornsea, East Yorkshire, HU18 1BG
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Hornsea Amateur Theatre Society
105 Cliff Road, Hornsea, HU18 1JB
t: 01964 535257
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Hornsea Area Regeneration Partnership
East Riding of Yorkshire County Council (Lead Partner
Customer Service Centre, Room 5, Hornsea, HU18 1PA
t: 01482 391645 w: website
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Hornsea Area Regeneration Partnership (HARP) is one of several regeneration partnerships within the East Riding of Yorkshire that support the region's market towns.
The partnership brings together a number of private, voluntary and public sector organisations who aim to develop Hornsea and its surrounding area for residents, businesses and visitors, whilst respecting the natural and built environment. The partnership aims to make Hornsea an even better place to live, learn, work, visit and invest in.
Hornsea Area Regeneration Partnership works to strengthen links within the community and has developed a long term plan to help secure the future prosperity of the Hornsea area.

Hornsea Art Society
Sacred Heart, Southgate, Hornsea, North Humberside HU18 1RE
t: 01964 532746 w: hornseaartsociety.co.uk
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Founded in 1969 the Hornsea Art Society now has over 90 members. Meetings are 7.30-9.30 pm on the second Friday of each month at the Catholic Church Hall, Football Green, Hornsea, with demonstrations or illustrated talks by artists from across the north of England. Their main showcase is a two-week summer exhibition including an Open Studios weekend. They also run a project during the year which culminates in a second exhibition of work in November. Trips are organised to paint outdoors during the summer and members can also join a Monday morning group to practice their art. A textile group meets on the last Friday afternoon of the month.

Hornsea Bridge Club
The Indoor Bowling Club, Atwick Road, Hornsea HU18 1EL
t: 01964 533430
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Hornsea Civic Society
Common Farm, Seaton East Riding of Yorkshire HU11 5SL
t: 01964 533148
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Hornsea Community First Responders
Assured Accountancy 140 Newbegin, Hornsea HU18 1PB
t: 01964 204381
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Hornsea Cottage Hospital League of Friends
Secretary/Publicity Officer, 41 Clifford Street, Hornsea HU18 1HZ
t: 01964 534039
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Hornsea Dog Owners
Greenways, Atwick Road, Hornsea, HU18 1DZ
t: 01964 535900 m: 07903 282862 w: hornseadogowners.co.uk
Listing claimed by owner. Last updated: 01/09/2016
We run certificated 10-week courses in Basic Obedience throughout the year, with an option for more advanced training. Our experienced team will also help with any canine problems, so don't struggle on alone! Apart from learning the basics, the major spin-off of any good class is socialisation...we can guarantee you and your dog will have many enjoyable evenings. Obedience-sessions take place at Catwick Village Hall. please note post-code for SatNav purposes: HU17 5PR

Hornsea Floral Hall
The Esplanade, Hornsea HU18 1NQ
t: 01964 532919
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Hornsea Foundation/Biker Event
4 The Crescent, Hornsea, East Yorkshire HU18 1SW
t: 01964 533921 m: 07342 671557 w: hornseabikerevent.co.uk
Listing claimed by owner. Last updated: 21/03/2019

Hornsea Healers
Town Hall, Newbegin, Hornsea
t: 01964 536918
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Hornsea in Bloom
103 Cliff Road Hornsea HU18 1UB
t: 01964 532954
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Hornsea Museum
11 Newbegin, Hornsea HU18 1AB
t: 01964 533443
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Hornsea Museum Rag Ruggers
11 Newbegin, Hornsea HU18 1AB
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Hornsea Music Festival Society
Sunnymead, Atwick Road, Hornsea HU18 1EA
t: 01964 534456
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Hornsea Music Festival Society
Sunnymead, Atwick Road, Hornsea HU18 1EA
t: 01964 534456
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Hornsea Seagulls Over 50s’ Club
Town Hall, Newbegin, Hornsea
t: 01482 869181
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Hornsea Writers
21 Esplanade, Hornsea, HU18 1NQ
t: 01964 533682 w: hornseawriters.com
Listing claimed by owner. Last updated: 03/10/2016
A group of professional writers that meets weekly for mutual support, constructive feedback and exchange of information. Members have enjoyed success in virtually every genre including crime, romance, alternative history, fantasy, sci-fi and newspaper or magazine articles. Competent emerging writers with work-in-progress might benefit from membership but unfortunately we do not have the resources to advise beginners.

Let’s Go Hornsea Regeneration Group
Town Hall, Newbegin, Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire HU18 1AB
t: 01964 534821 e: eyssjan@gmail.com w: www.letsgohornsea.org
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Lets GO Hornsea's aim is “To promote and improve the town of Hornsea for the benefit of residents and visitors”
Meetings are usually held monthly on Tuesday evenings at Hornsea Town Hall and anyone with ideas or who would like to help with our projects – on a temporary or permanent basis – are always welcome.
Dates and times of meetings are posted on our Facebook page.

North Holderness Churches Together
Sunnymead, Atwick Road, Hornsea HU18 1EA
t: 01964 534456
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Probus Club
Atwick Rd, Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire HU18 1EL
t: 01964 536593
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RNLI Humber and Holderness Branch
Vice Chairman, Edenfield, Edenfield Avenue, Hornsea, HU18 1UL
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Rotary Club of Hornsea and East Riding
Hornsea Golf Club, Rolston Road, Hornsea HU18 1XG
t: 01964 536995 w: hornsearotary.org.uk
Listing claimed by owner. Last updated: 03/09/2016
The Rotary Club of Horsea and East RIding was formed almost 25 years ago and meets weekly ( except at Christmas and Bank Holidays) on Monday night at Hornsea Golf Club.

Royal British Legion
23 Hornsea Burton Rd, Hornsea HU18 1TP
t: 01964 533630
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