Hornsea Local Market
Hornsea Local Market provides local producers a platform to trade within their community and gives local people the opportunity to purchase local produce.
The Market is held on the 4th Saturday of the month between April and October with a Special Christmas Market on the last Friday in November to coincide with Hornsea's Annual Christmas Lights switch on which is organised by Hornsea Chamber of Trade.
Hornsea Local Market is open between 9.30 am and 1.30 pm and the Christmas Market is held between 4.00pm and 8.00pm.
Hornsea Local Market Traders & Businesses
Regular stalls include :- fruit and veg; bread & cakes; pastries & pies; Yorkshire ducks and geese; fish; hand made jams, preserves and pickles; low fat burgers; ice cream; plants & flowers; silver jewellery; cards and crafts; Fairtrade and charity stalls
Many other stalls are seasonal or occasional but there is always something of interest. More information may be obtained from their website.
Venue: Hornsea Local Market, Cinema Street, Hornsea, HU18 1PA
Tel: 07799 74230 or 01964 533576
Website: hornsealocalmarket.org.uk