Seaton Road, Hornsea, HU11 5RQ
t: 01964 533866 e: info@seatongarage.co.uk w: seatongarage.co.uk
As part of the Bosch Car Service Network, Seaton Garage is ideally suited to provide all your motoring requirements from MOT testing to servicing and general repairs. They also have an onsite diagnostic and electrical technician and the latest in 3D wheel alignment, balancing and diagnostic equipment.
Open 6 days a week 8.00 - 18.00 (Saturdays 8.00 - 12:00)
Listing Verified by business owner & updated 01.09.2016

Bill Dodds Motor Engineers
Manor Farm, Catfoss, Sigglesthorne, HU11 5QN
t: 01964 541951
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Central Garage
Cliff Road, Hornsea, HU18 1LN
t: 01964 533572
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Hornsea Hand Car Wash
Old Bridge Road, Hornsea, HU18 1RP
t: 01964 535352
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.

Lakeside Motor Company
Southgate, Hornsea, HU18 1RE
t: 01964 533128
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.

Maple Garage Ltd
Main Street, Mappleton, HU18 1XT
t: 01964 534144
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.
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Merehead Garage
Old Bridge Road, Hornsea, HU18 1RP
t: 01964 535886
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.

Part Worn Tyres
Unit 3B, Hornsa Bridge Industrial Estate, Hornsea HU18 1RP
t: 07473 325877
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.

Seaton Garage & Engineering Co
Hornsea Road, Seaton, Hull, HU11 5RQ
t: 01964 533866
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.

Steve Thompson Motor Refinisher
Old Bridge Road, Hornsea, HU18 1RP
t: 01964 533443
Is this your business? Claim, amend or upgrade your listing here.